The Game has gone rogue...

Hello again, the assignment continues and this time, the genre to be added was roguelike! If you've forgotten, my name's Ying Fu, the sole developer of this game and boy, was this genre a challenge.

Despite having so many ideas and features planned for this genre, most of them had to be cut down due to time constraints as this time I had even less time to work on this particular game (hard juggling school, part-time work and a fyp ;-;). However, I managed to implement the core features and hopefully the experience of this genre. 

First thing first, would be a random buff system as you progress through the game, there are total of 3 buff, all of which are designed as abilities (not stat buff) which means a new feature is added and not like a stat increase (plus attack, hp, etc.). They are also designed to have their own use case but at the end it's up to you on how they will be used. Here's a little sneak peek on one of them (can you guess what they do?)

Besides that, I added a random level system where each time you progress to a next stage, they will choose between random preset levels. I originally wanted to make a random tile generator but the time caught up to me and I had to use this alternative.  

Furthermore in the previous build, the player state will keep resetting when they load to a new level so this time, I made it that all player state and stats are persistent throughout the whole run of the game, only resetting if you die or win. This allow that replayability famous in roguelike genre especially with all the random progression features. Your buffs can also stack as you progress so hope you get some lucky gacha (at least this one is free lol) as you will need it in the final stage... Here's a development image on one of the levels used in the final stage. 

Anyway that's all for this update, this was pretty hard to integrate mostly due to the limited time but well, I'd say it was a decent attempt on the roguelike genre implementation for 3 nights of work. Hopefully, the final genre for this assignement can match well with this quest I've amde for you and for myself. 

That's all folks, see ya next time!

Get Solo Quest

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